Well, it's been over 2 weeks since I started my new life and DietBet and Weight Watchers. How am I doing you ask? I know you didn't really ask, but you're reading this so obviously you're dying to know.  Well, I'm proud to say, I think it's sticking!!! I have not had a soda in close to 3 weeks... NONE!! Eno at Sonic probably thinks I've died. I pretty much have drank water and sparkling water. I saved my points for beer a couple of nights. I had a nonfat latte tonight but again... I had to points.  I have not had more than a taste of refined sugar and I have stayed within my points. And I honestly, for real, not lying, feel great!!  I feel empowered, I feel more energy, confidence and will power!! Is it hard? Heck yeah, but not nearly as hard as I thought. Do I miss some things... Oh yeah! But, I know that food is an addiction and a VERY slippery slope for me so at this point, I have to avoid things that could send me down that slope.
Have I exercised? Why yes, yes I have.  I don't do the gym.  It's just not my thing right now, but maybe it will be someday.  I am walking and actually running.  Just a bit, but I am doing it and it's hard and uncomfortable, but it feels good to do it and I can move more already just from a few days of getting off the damn couch.  I do so love the couch, but I need to get off it more often. I am planning to do a 5k sometime in June for sure, maybe sooner and I would like to run at least half of it.  That's my goal.  But what is my weight goal you ask? Well, I don't really have one.  I can't focus on the scale.  I have to weigh in for WW, but I am trying to keep that away from my focus.  I have a goal of fitting on a ride at Six Flags, and not using a seatbelt extender on a plane and shopping in a regular store.  My goal is to LIVE and not be a prisoner of my weight.  To be an example of health, courage, self-control, overcoming, and the hardest... patience.  I know it's only been 3 weeks, but I can see my journey ahead, you know picture it in my head.  Once I can do that, I know I will get there.  So, look out... there is a skinny bitch in here that's breaking out...one good choice at a time!.

Carbs... I love them... all forms of them. Bread, pasta, potatoes, SUGAR!  They all are the hardest part of this journey. Today's demon took the form of pasta and bread.  I really meant to have a salad.  They brought it to the table all warm and delicious aroma wafting from the basket.  I can't say no... or I won't...yet!  So, food choices today were not great, but NO SODA!!  Yay Shay!!!  But really, how could I have a soda after reading the little tidbit Susan Rives posted on my wall.  It hurts me.  My feelings for soda are so strong.  It is my heroin.  I have to decide every hour that I am quitting it.  So little victory there with soda today.
Another one was the gym!!!!! I went at an ungodly hour this morning. I did cardio today.  I did a 5 minute warmup on the bike then got on the treadmill.  I made the mistake of hitting quickstart on the control and after a few minutes it was killing me.  I couldn't remember it being so bad last time.  I trudged along and got to 11 minutes and my heart rate was through the roof.  So, I stopped... then I looked at the incline and it was on 7!  No wonder I was dying.  So, I am feeling pretty darn proud that I did 11 minutes.  Anyway, after work we had a carnival at the kids school.  The school is seriously in my backyard, but the prob is there no way to get to it without going around... normally this fat girl drives! But today, I decided on my own to WALK to the carnival and back and I did!  I made it without having to stop.  I was so freaking proud.  I realize to most of you this is nothing... and honestly the walking wasn't bad at all.  BUT my CHOICE to do it was huge for me.  I will take these little victories where I can get them.